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We acknowledge that

To lose a loved one is devastating and life changing

Loss is a universal experience but the grief which follows is unique to each individual.


The centre is committed to offering unending, meaningful support to anyone who is bereaved through cancer.


On your first visit you will be shown around the Centre and given the opportunity to talk with a professional.


If you decide you would like to use the service, we will invite you to register with the Centre. 


This can be done on your first or subsequent visit.

The registration will involve recording your personal details and will be followed by a HNA (Holistic Needs Assessment).


An HNA is a discussion that allows you to highlight the most important issues affecting you at this time.


In partnership with you we can then develop a plan of care and support using some or all of the services we offer.

Drop in and see us anytime or call us today on 0161 764 6609

We offer a range of services that are put in place to help you



Relaxation Class



Nutritional Advice




Qi Gong

Gentle Yoga


Financial & Benefits Advice in collaboration with Citizens Advice 

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